StadiArena Welcome Investment Syndicate
We are very pleased to announce that a syndicate of sports loving, high net worth individuals have just concluded their investment in StadiArena Ltd. The decision to take an equity stake in the business was the result of several months of due diligence and investigations into the intellectual property and market potential for our innovative stadium solution.
Bob Young who represented the syndicate has also agreed to take on a non-executive Financial Director role. Bob qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1976 with a major international accountancy practice. He then worked for the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales as an advisor to their members in respect of their business and professional requirements.
In 1990 he decided to ‘practice what he was preaching’ and started The Young Company in Huntingdon. He has many interests outside the office in sport and charitable activities, committing significant time and effort to raise money to provide disadvantaged youngsters a sporting chance.
Paul Fletcher said “We are delighted to have agreed investment terms with Bob and his associates, and are equally as pleased that he has agreed to join our Board, allowing us to benefit from his vast experience and financial acumen. This will become increasingly important for StadiArena as we expand into new territories over the coming months, and I look forward to working with Bob.”
Bob Young said “I am very pleased to be able to join Paul and his team and I am looking forward to the further continued growth and development of the company’s products and market.”