Australia Visit – November 2012
StadiArena’s Ken Sharp has just returned from a UKTI Trade Mission to Australia, meeting with a number of aspirant Stadium Stakeholders.
Several key meetings had been arranged by Richie Williams of Sports Partnerships Australia (SPA), our exclusive territory licence holder – supported by SPA’s associates Rene Licata (Sydney) and Alan Wickes (Melbourne).
A number of meetings were hosted by KPMG, Grant Thornton and Ernst and Young, and 28 very interested parties were in attendance to enjoy presentations on ‘The Stadium Of The Future’.
These presentations highlighted the need to diversify the range of activities delivered through a Stadium facility, not only to maximise the commercial value of the facility, but also to improve the social and community impact.
Government and sporting organisations attending these sessions engaged in discussions around the changing trends within both communities and sporting groups , and were very enthusiastic about how StadiArena’s technology answered many challenges that they were facing in developing new facilities.
Interest was such that a second visit to Australia is anticipated early in the new year to assist in launching the first showcase site in Australia.
Richie Williams maintained that continued alignment of the Australia’s tiering of Government (Federal, State and Local) with Sporting groups , Educational Institutions , Businesses and Community Groups will allow greater improvement in lifestyle options , as well as a stronger focus on Fit For Life philosophy.
Ken Sharp commented that the trip exceeded all expectation and demonstrated that the interest in high level sporting and facility development is truly alive and well in Australia.